STYLESHEET for the Kentucky Crafts Encyclopedia (KCE)
Theme: IMPRESSION: color highlight yellow (2nd from left); Font style = "Narrow"
Later in 2021, New Google Sites added the option to create unique customized THEMES, with defined text fonts and styles. That helps to control the look of the KCE.Text: Most text should be formatted as ARIAL.
In Text boxes: Use either 11pt. or 12 pt. , with vertical Line Spacing (line-leading) varying from 0.8 to 1.33 using the "Line & Paragraph Spacing" submenuUnderlines may never be used for emphasis; since they always indicate LINKS, external (to a web page) or internal (to a page in this website). Emphasis may be indicated using BOLD, ITALICS, or both...
Entries for deceased individuals are shown in RED (#cc0000)
Links to county maps are GREEN (#6aa84f)
Links to pages inside this site are BLACK (#000000)
Links to external sites are BLUE (#0000ff)
Amburgey, Jethro (1895-1971) - dulcimer builder
A typical entry for one craftsperson, store, organization, museum, etc., will be formatted as in the following example, using these rules:
The first part of the entry lists the name of the craftsperson's company, linked to their website, Facebook page, or (rarely) email address. Since it links to an external URL, it will be automatically underlined, and should be color-coded in BLUE.
The next part of the entry is optional: square brackets enclose an optional description of the craft or craft products, if that is not already clear from the company name.
The third part of an entry is contained in parentheses, and begins, where possible, with the name(s) of the principal craftspersons, followed by a hyphen with spaces surrounding it: " - " Typically, however, there are NO individuals named for organizations, stores, museums, etc.
Next is the name of the county in which the entered entity is located, linked to the county map (which is an internal page in this website, hence color-coded in black). Spell out the county name and follow it with "Co."The final part of the entry is the name of the Kentucky town or city (or closest town) in which the crafter/store/organization etc. is located.
Gastineau Studio [pewterware] (Ken & Sally Gastineau - Madison Co.: Berea)
The Meadows Pottery (Matthew Gaddie - Nelson Co.: Bardstown)
Kentucky Basket Association (Pulaski Co.: Somerset)
RULES FOR FORMATTING KCHEA "Craft Luminary" Entries:
The "Craft Luminaries" identified by KCHEA (Kentucky Craft History and Education Association) should be entered alphabetically by last name, following these rules:
If no other significant information can be linked to the name, then following a hyphen there should be a brief description of the person's role, then a semicolon and the external link to KCHEA'S webpage listing of Craft Luminaries' oral histories:
Andrews, Wayne - former Morehead State University President; KCHEA Craft Luminary
If the person's name can be linked to an internal page or external website, those items should offer links following the usual color-coding rules:
BLACK underlined = internal page
BLUE underlined = external URL
RED underlined = deceased person with dates, link to obituary or best description. Examples:
Barnes, Dan Neil - Glass artist; KCHEA Craft Luminary
Bellando, Lila (1940-2019) - Former co-owner of Churchill Weavers; KCHEA Craft Luminary
Bellando, Richard - Former co-owner of of Churchill Weavers; KCHEA Craft Luminary